Angeles National Forest Engagement Photographs :: Chloe & Sean


If you remember back a few months ago, Sean invited me along to be a part of his perfectly engineered, surprise of surprises, Hollywood Bowl proposal to Chloe.

To be perfectly honest, my fiance and I just recently moved out to Southern California and still do not know a whole ton of people… so with Chloe & Sean being two of the most positive and easy to love humans I’ve personally ever met…  couldn’t freak’n wait to hang out with them again.

We ventured up HWY2 into the Angeles National Forest, making photos as we hiking and exploring around the trails.  I’ve never been up to these seldom overlooked areas of LA before, but was BLOWN AWAY by what lays just a short drive outside of the crazy that is downtown.


  1. Julia says:

    So beautiful! How long it’s trail. Can you share the is location of this nice place? Where are you in the forest area and cove. I’d like to make surprise for my friend)

    Thank you!

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